Read my interview on 'Passionpiece'

Nice to meet you, I'm Rena!
Well, technically my name is Verena, so you can pick your fave.
My life has been shaped by constant (voluntary) change and many diverse influences.
To start with: I'm half Italian, half German - and like to think of myself as doing things in an organised and efficient yet stylish and passionate way.
It also meant growing up bilingual, speaking both fluent German and Italian. After school, I went on to study languages and hold a degree in English, French and Spanish.
These days, I don't speak Italian much anymore, but have become so fluent in English that I consider it my second native tongue together with German.

My everyday life
One should think that after having studied all those languages, I would be working in translations, linguistics or the likes, non? Well, not quite ;-)
I actually have a corporate career as Customer Success Manager in the tech industry.
Being in the lucky position to work from my home office means I have time to smooch the dog whenever I please and still have the energy to either write the blog or cook my delicious recipes after work.

Nothing is as constant as change

I can never stay in one place for too long, be that on holiday or in life. From a very young age, I have had two countries to call home and have been 'commuting' back and forth between Italy and Germany. Aside from my childhood home, the longest time I have ever lived in any one place has been four years.
The last decade I spent in the UK (Somerset, Kent, Berskshire and Hampshire) before moving back to 'good old Germany' in late 2021.
Only after moving away from Germany in 2013, I realised quite how beautiful this country actually is - and therefore I promised myself to explore much more of it after I moved back. Therefore, you will find a lot of posts of my day trips and weekend getaways around southern Germany and Austria.

My steadfast companion since 2012 has been Mr. Weasley - my most beautiful and loving Whippet. He has moved countries and across countries with me, gone on road trips and vacations and helped me feel less lonely when 'alone and away from home'. I cannot thank him enough for always being his amazing self.
Why start blogging?
A valid question ;-) At first, the idea was a mere journaling for personal purposes, so I could keep track of places and recipes without having to rely on social media to 'store' these memories.
Blogging was an idea that had come to my mind on and off. By the way, if you've ever considered it and are still on the fence, maybe this page offers some good insight for you.
Then my bestie mentioned how she found my adventures to be inspirational and how they helped her come up with ideas to spice up her everyday life as well.
I would be thrilled if any of my travels, hacks or recipes would do the same for you!
Definitely let me know if this is the case - I'm just an eMail or social media message away.
You can find out more about me in my latest interview published on

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